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2025 Men's Meeting Dates.
5th January ~ 7.30pm WMCC Wisbech
11th May ~ 7.30pm WMCC Wisbech
21st September 7.30pm WMCC Wisbech
2nd November ~ 7.30pm AGM WMCC Wisbech ~ last date for amendments to constitution & rules 12th October to Secretary.
Wishing all North Cambs bowlers a very Happy Christmas and Healthy 2025.
Welcome to our two new North Cambs Presidents.
Wishing you both a great year Jonny Pearce and Angela Jordan.
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Derbyshire v North Essex Sunday 15th Decembers 2024 at Turpins IBC
Great result and win, apart of the first 5 ends North Cambs were in front the whole game and with rink 3 Charlie Waling, Steve Glover and county debutant Harry Cater picking up 2 shots on the last end to get a win meant a 98 - 71 shot and 12 - 2 points win.
Derbyshire v Northants "A" Sunday 24th November 2024 at Stamford IBC.
Very close game which we should have won as we lead by 29 shots at one time but lost 88 - 93 shots, 4 - 10 points.
P Butcher, Jo Gowler and N Blyth lost 21-29
M Jackman, J Pearce and S Glover lost 17-29
B Revell, M Fox and L Miller won 27-14
N Parnell, T Reed and N Eagle won 23-21
Next game Sunday 15th December v North Essex at Turpins Saffron Walden.
National President 2024-25 David Thomas North Cambs
National Joint AGM of EBF & EWBF Saturday 16th November 2024
Attended by Paul Bennett & Colin Griffin representing North Cambs.
1. PRESIDENT'S WELCOME by Irene Ballam & Trevor Flatt
4. MATTERS ARISING. From Minutes ~ two items raised by Lincs.
a) rule 7.27 men seniors now over 60 for outdoor but believe still over 65 for indoor (I can’t find that rule)
b) page 39 rule 7.2 no smoking on the greens during county games, competitions. Can counties start to enforce this.
5. CHAIRMAN'S REPORT. (Circulated) in addition to the report Mike said that he was please with the work by NPBGA to secure the future of Skegness greens. ELD have agreed to pay
£100k over the next 5 years with £30k in first year. The outdoor finals at Skegness are the gold start event and must continue for the future of the Federation.
6. A. SAFEGUARDING REPORT (Circulated) Jeanette Murphy encouraged all clubs to appoint a Safeguarding Officer.
7. FINANCIAL STATEMENT AND REPORT. (To follow beginning November)
8. ENGLISH BOWLS UMPIRES' FEDERATION REPORT. John Fox Chairman of EBUF reported at their recent AGM Barry Swan had been appointed as the new Secretary and Treasurer
and apologised for the lack of communications from the previous Secretary. In January the EBUF will be looking to start a Markers Badge and will be arranging courses.
Lincs asked why it was costing £6k for Umpires as Skegness and Lincoln. JF said he would look into the cost.
9. NOTICES OF MOTIONS AND AMENDMENTS. (Some motions Gender specific only)
NEC Motions
There was much discussion on the subject of financing the upkeep of the greens, even Suffolk did not disagree with the reason just how it was to be financed and the large proportion being funded by Suffolk.
Suffolk believe it should be the qualified bowler who pay for the privilege of playing on better greens.
Norfolk ladies said there was not enough information to make a decision.
Mike Carr said it was too much to put all costs on the entrants.
Ty Roberts said how can it be fair for the Suffolk proposal to be an increase of £1.80/club and North Cambs £25/club
1. Finance 4, increase the national per capita levy by £1, EBF to donate £10,000/year to budget for upkeep of Skegness greens.
ACCEPTED (32 for to 9 against Suffolk & Norfolk) Will start from 2026 accounts.
1a. Suffolk amendment, increase national capita levy by £0.50, the balance being funded by an equal payment by all 13 counties. No second to this proposal FAILED
2. Discipline 6, new rules 6.5 and 6.51 ref. unacceptable behaviour at discretion of NEC max penalty of 3 years exclusion of entry to competitions for 6.51 to include but not limited to,
racial or religious abuse, physical or verbal abuse including online, behaviour that would bring the game into disrepute. ACCEPTED
3. Rule 7.34 ref. players withdrawing from National finals with out good cause. Add scale of 1 year penalties, up to 3 years exclusion from competitions. ACCEPTED
3a. Suffolk amendment rule 7.34, 1st offence 2 year penalty, 2nd offence 5 year penalty, 3rd offence life time penalty of exclusion. No second to this proposal FAILED
4. Rule 9.10 amendment to allow indoor players to affiliate to the Federation to allow them to play indoor competitions as long as, does not enter another counties competitions,
deals directly with the Competition Secretary, pays additional levy imposed by the county. ACCEPTED (23 for to 18 against)
Counties Motions
1. EWBF ladies ref. rule 7.22(1)(h) white shorts wording ~ Ladies only vote. (withdrawn as amendment was passed)
1a. Nott's ladies amendment to rule 7.22(1)(h) include skort ~ Ladies only vote ACCEPTED (14 for to 4 against)
2. Hunts Men & Ladies ref. rule 6.2 NEC solely responsible for disciplining competitors in pairs or triples not playing or deliberately loosing with a maximum penalty
of 3 years exclusion from competitions. ACCEPTED
3. Northants men amend rule 8.2/8.3 to reduce the Adams and Newton games to 25 ends. REJECTED (only 6 votes for)
4. North Cambs men ref. rule 7.31 Durham Centenary change to 2 rinks home and two rinks away in Southern section only. REJECTED (11 against to 10 for)
5. Nott's men ref. new rule 7.31a Durham Centenary because of cost of travel split northern section in two zones ~ Northern Section only, no second so this motion failed.
6. Nott's men ref. rule 9.10(4) eligibility to Derbyshire, Eversley and Harry Carver completions. WITHDRAWN
. Humberside men remove 8.2a and revert to just 8.2 ~ Northern Section only vote, no second so this motion failed.
8. Humberside men, outdoor 7.34 Reg Wright Trophy under 25 Team, propose change to under 30. REJECTED
9. Humberside men, 9.14 Colleen & John Gooch Trophy indoor currently the only 2 bowl indoor competition, change to 4 bowl.
REJECTED (for 13 and against 22) many comments about Federation being a 2 bowl drawing game.
10. Humberside me, 7.34 Jim Pratt Trophy outdoor under 25 singles, change from 2 bowl to 4 bowl. WITHDRAWN
Chairman Mike Carr Lincolnshire
President: David Thomas North Cambs.
Deputy-President: Ray Taylor Derbyshire..
Junior Deputy- President: Andy Sayer Norfolk
President: Beryl Beresford Nottingham
Deputy-President: Jean Phillips Humberside
Junior Deputy- President: Lillian Barber Norfolk
Women’s Secretary Beryl Beresford Nottingham
12. Auditor: Sadofskys Chartered Accountants. (Hull).
13. To discuss the final date of receiving County results with Skegness starting on 16th August.
Following the October NDC meeting when 16th July was stated as the last day for results to Dave Woods, many counties complained as not enough time to play and now changed
to 20th July meaning we can revert to the 3rd weekend of July.
Stuart Croxall website co-ordinator reported what he thought people used the website for:
Library of information
Results of all games
He asked if you see any errors to report them to him on email ebfwww@outlook.com and he will correct.
Also if you are sending any results to Dave Woods please also copy him.
President David Thomas thanked everyone for attending and closed the meeting.
North Cambs EBF & EWBF National Outdoor Finals Skegness 2024
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Donald Steward v Northants Wednesday 10th July 2024 Gorefield BC
This gives North Cambs Ladies 4 wins 50 points and plus 48 shots, they play Norfolk on Monday 15th July who are 60 points and plus 98 shots. To top the league they need to win 4 rinks and overall shots to finish 64 points to Norfolk's 62. Wishing you good luck from all in North Cambs. #upthenorthcambs
Adams v Lincs Saturday 6th June 2024 March Town BC
With the game brought forward to 12.00 noon to avoid a clash with the England Euro's football the Adams team in damp overcast conditions managed a great second win of the season 170 - 166 shots, 16 - 6 points. Thanks must go to our Captain Matt Hewitt for managing to put out teams when on occasions many players were not available, to March Town for hosting our 3 home games, to Glenda and her ladies for the two great buffets following the first two games, if the Lincs game time had not been changed Lincs wanted 23 meals and it would have been a great end to our season, to April Butcher and all bar staff at March Town for keeping us refreshed, to Steve Kilby and his team for the way the green has been prepared, to Andrew Overton for cutting the green before each match, to Colin Griffin and John Fox for umpiring our home games and to all the bowlers who have supported North Cambs this season by bowling so well.
![]() National President Trevor Flatt & North Cambs President Paul Bennett |
![]() Trevor Flatt, Matt Hewitt, Paul Bennett, Steven Cornwell & National Chairman Mike Carr (Lincs) |
This season the only game which was embarrassing was against Suffolk on a super fast green, made even quicker by the very hot sunny day where we lost on all rinks by 117 shots. the game against Norfolk we lost by 4 shots, (Suffolk lost by 26 shots to Norfolk at Great Plumstead), North Essex we lost by 20 shots but it was only one rink which lost heavily to the local green keepers on their green, Northants we lost our opening game by 15 shots and our two wins against current National Champions Hunts and Lincs who's Secretary was saying they only had 57 clubs to select players from was surprised that we only have 8 clubs affiliated in North Cambs. With Suffolk, Norfolk and North Essex at home next season and a bit of luck we can turn these games into wins. #upthenorthcambs
North Cambs had the commitment to complete all their 6 games finishing 4th, where Northants v Hunts and Norfolk v North Essex failed to play their last games.
Adams v Suffolk ~ Saturday 29th June 2024 Leiston BC
After the great performance against Hunts all rinks struggled on a very hard, quick green in glorious sunshine and lost 108 to 225 shots, 0-22 point.
Before the start of the game Matt Hewitt County Captain presented President Paul Bennett with a glass plaque to commemorate making 150 appearances for North Cambs between 1991 and 2024.
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The next Adams and final game is at home to Lincs, Saturday 6th July 2024 with a 12.00 noon start because of the England football game. Bacon butties and hot dogs available before the game but there will be no buffet at end.
Donald Steward v Suffolk ~ Wednesday 26th June 2024 Gorefield BC
Adams v Hunts ~ Saturday 22nd June 2024 March Town BC
Our 4th county Adams game saw us play Hunts who when we last played in the Adams beat us in 2017, 270 to 92 shots.
This year with the sun shining and the green playing much quicker all eyes were on rink 2 for the last three ends when everyone else had finished. 29th end we dropped 1 shot to lead the game by 4, 30th end we dropped 1 shot to lead by 3 and on the 31st end we picked up a single to win overall by 4 shots. We done Joseph, Jonny and Andrew who went on to win the spoons and to see out the game for a great win 155 to 151 shots, 18 to 4 points.
Our next game is away to Suffolk Saturday 29th June at Leiston BC, IP16 4DQ
Adams v North Essex ~ Saturday 15th June 2024 Radwinter BC
Donald Steward v North Essex ~ Wednesday 12th June 2024 Gorefield BC
Durham Centenary ~ Sunday 9th June 2024 Radwinter BC v March Town BC at Radwinter
March Town travelled to a very cold and windy Radwinter for their Durham Centenary v Radwinter BC with President Paul Bennett and Trudy supporting the team. Scores were even during the first few ends but then home advantage came into play. Despite winning two rinks 20-18 and 28-12 the other two lost 13-28 and 13-30 loosing 74 to 92 shots.
Adams v Norfolk ~ Saturday 8th June 2024 Great Plumstead BC
A game we were so close to winning, when we were holding multiple shots, wicks and knock ups of woods made shots for Norfolk. Lost by 6 shots 4 - 18 points, Spoons to Steve Kilby, Kevin Ward and Captain Matt Hewitt. Nearly there as a great team #upthenorthcambs.
Next weeks game is away to North Essex at Radwinter BC, Recreation Ground, Radwinter, CB10 2TX
Donald Steward v Hunts ~ Thursday 6th June 2024 Gorefield BC
Adams v Northants ~ Saturday 1st June 2024 March Town BC
Harry Carver and Eversley Trophy teams 2024
National Federation Indoor Finals Lincoln IBC ~ 22nd to 28th April 2024 ~ Results
Challenge match March IBC v North Cambs ~ Sunday 14th April 2024 ~ Great afternoon at March IBC for the inaugural indoor game v North Cambs. Before the start of the game a minutes silence was held for March Town , March IBC and North Cambs Life Member Michael Carter. Congratulations North Cambs on a squeaky one shot win, 87 to 86. Thanks to March IBC for inviting North Cambs and hosting the game, Matt Hewitt for organising the team and Pete and April Butcher for providing the meal at the end of the game.
Sad news Michael Carter RIP ~ It is with sadness that I advise you of the passing on Thursday 11th April of North Cambs Life Member Mick Carter. Condolences to Pat and the family. Funeral 1.00pm Friday 10th May at Mintlyn Crematorium Kings Lynn
National Federation Indoor Finals Lincoln IBC ~ 22nd to 28th April 2024 ~ Lincoln IBC Hall Drive, Lincoln LN6 7SW Men's advance programme all counties click HERE Ladies advance programme all counties click HERE North Cambs men's and ladies only programme click HERE
Derbyshire v Norfolk Sunday 4th February at Gallow Fakenham.
North Cambs travelled to Fakenham for their last game in the Derbyshire this season against Norfolk and with a number of players unavailable changes were made which included Captain Matthew Hewitt coming out of retirement to show us how to do it while Jonny Pearce stepped in as President and Captain for the day.
Before the game got underway, North Cambs very own Jack Wells got presented with his county badge.
Unlike the previous Derbyshire game North Cambs came flying out of the blocks and after 5 ends we had a 10 shot advantage 22-12. As expected Norfolk were not going to roll over and make this easy for us and came back into the game and after 20 ends had cut our advantage to just 2 shots and at one point in the closing stages led by 11 shots but in true North Cambs style we dug our heels in and some great bowls on all rinks kept us chipping away at the aggregate score, finally it came down to rink 3 to bring us home going into the last end we held a 92-88 shot lead, you could cut the tension with a knife as all eyes were on this last end, fortunately we managed to keep Norfolk to just one shot and claim the aggregate victory 92-89 and give us an overall victory of 8-6.
This win propels us to the top of the league for now but Northants and Norfolk still have games to play.
Overall Score - Norfolk 6 - North Cambs 8 Aggregate Score - Norfolk 89 North Cambs 92
Rink Scores
Rink 1 lost 25-20 - P Butcher, C Pope, M Fox
Rink 2 lost 27-22 - C Waling, D Foreman, J Wells
Rink 3 Won 12-34 -M Hewitt, A Hailes, N Blyth (spoons)
Rink 4 lost 25-16 - K Fisher, M Beart, S Kilby
All that is left from myself and all North Cambs Officials is thank you to everyone who has represented us or supported us this season it is appreciated and we hope to see you all at our County Finals on Feb 16th and 17th at March IBC Thanks Jonny Pearce for a very comprehensive report
Derbyshire v Northants "B" Sunday 7th January 2024 at Peterborough and District IBC
After a slow start very close game which at one stage we lead by 15 shots but couldn't maintain. Well done to rink 4 for coming back and winning their game on the last end.
Lost 101 to 91 shots, 10 to 4 points.
A Condron, N Blyth, N Eagle 32 v P Bailey 16 (Spoons)
B Chapman, J Gowler, L Miller 15 v K Vinter 31
P Butcher, D Lord, S Kilby 21 v R Marden 31
C Pope, M Fox, J Wells 23 v R Keating 20
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